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[미국 캘리포니아 아카데미 오브 사이언스 4월 소식]Free Online Programs for Your Class This April
과학관과 문화   기사입력  2018/04/09 [19:14]
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Asteroids in space.


Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors - Oh My!

Free Online Program, April 19
Grades 3-8

Within the vast expanses of our solar system, between the planets and beyond, amazing discoveries about asteroids, comets, and meteors are currently being made. Students will take on the role of working as an astronomer by using hands-on models to explore "small bodies" in our solar system, and will take a guided virtual tour. Throughout this interactive program, classes will have the opportunity to ask educators questions and engage in learning conversations.

This program integrates the Next Generation Science Standards by focusing on Scale, Proportion, and Quantity and Using Models.

View of the Earth from space


Scientist's Scoop: Make Earth Day Every Day

Free Online Program, April 20 and April 23
Grades 4-8

Planet Earth is an incredible—and unique—place in our solar system. It is the only planet that supports a diverse system of life! Earth has been able to support and take care of both plants and animals, including humans. So, how do we humans take care of Earth just like it takes care of us?

In this interactive program, students will take on the role of Planet Heroes as they are challenged to design and implement solutions to benefit wildlife, ecosystems, and global communities through one avenue: our energy use!

Choose from two dates and times:

  • Friday, April 20 at 9:10am PT (12:10pm ET) or 10:10am PT (1:10pm ET)
  • Monday, April 23 at 9:10am PT (12:10pm ET) or 10:10am PT (1:10pm ET)
An Academy biologist feeds our penguin colony


Penguins: Wings, Beaks, and Feathers, Oh My!

Free Online Program, April 25
Grades K-2

Let us bring your students into our African Penguin exhibit! By observing the penguins in our colony, students will learn how penguins are similar to other birds and how their differences help them survive in their environment.

Students will explore what it is like to be a penguin by waddling and swimming like one, while investigating the habitat in which they live. Finally, students will have the chance to ask their questions about penguins to Academy staff while watching the live colony.

This 30-minute program repeats three times on April 25. Choose to join a session at 9:10am PT (12:10pm ET), 10:10am PT (1:10pm ET) or 11:10am PT (2:10pm ET).


In Other News…



  • We’ll be helping out at the Understanding Global Change Workshop for high school science educators taking place at UC Berkeley on April 28-29. Did we mention the $200 stipend?
  • There is still some space in the free, online program about our Museum Macaws on April 12. Designed for grade K-3.
  • Field trip dates for the next school year open on May 1, so mark your calendars! Chat with your co-teachers to determine your preferred date(s) to bring your class to the Academy.

Dedicated to exploring, explaining, and sustaining life on Earth

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California Academy of Sciences

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기사입력: 2018/04/09 [19:14]   ⓒ 과학관과 문화
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